It’s 1998. In Spoleto – an ancient medieval village located in the lush hills of Umbria – B.M.S, a small company specialised in the packaging of grains and organic legumes for third parties, was born. At the very beginning, equipped with modest infrastructure, B.M.S. limited its activity to its main core business working moderate volumes of products but with great passion and trust in healthy food philosophy.
The current executive director Enrico Tinelli is B.M.S.’ founder who still runs it, together with his family. And, precisely family is the primary value that underlies B.M.S, whose management and activities are focused on the importance of personal bonds and the sharing of small and large victories with all the staff working in the company.
Thanks to the constant commitment, the excellent quality of the services provided and the consumers’greater awareness concerning a healthy diet, B.M.S. has kept growing over the years, both commercially and concerning know-how and infrastructures. In 2004 the company obtained the ISO 9001 certification, in 2009 was installed a plant for storage and natural treatment of grains in CO2, in 2010 we inaugurated a photovoltaic system on the roof of the plant for the power of 65kW and in 2012 was obtained the International Food Standard certification.
In 2006, when the term “supply chain” was still little known in the food sector, the first direct collaboration with farmers was settled: in Umbria at the very beginning, in other regions of central Italy, after, until reaching the entire national territory. Nowadays, B.M.S. regularly collaborates with over 100 farms for the production of legumes, grains and organic oilseeds.
In 2011 we also created B.M.S. Processing that deals with the selection of raw materials produced by farmers. Through this new process line, B.M.S. manages to internalise production processes until then entrusted to third parties.
Following the strong growth in the number of people intolerant to gluten, in 2013 B.M.S. decided to create a structure exclusively dedicated to the packaging of gluten-free products, expanding its range of products.
Between 2016 and 2017, the company decides to invest in another big challenge: computerise all the information regarding traceability, quality, and efficiency through new management software. Also, the facilities for raw materials storage – 10 vertical silos and 1000sqm of refrigerated storage for a total of over 1000tones – are expanded, to guarantee quality finest control. B.M.S. has invested in new processing plants: a mill, a decorticator, and a seed roaster. In 2018 B.M.S. obtains the license for the import of organic products from non-EU countries and in 2019, the company acquired Gluten Free certifications, relating to the production process, and ISO 22005, for the traceability of raw materials.
Thanks to the latest implementations, B.M.S. today it can offer a wide range of products and services, guaranteeing constant attention along the entire production chain: from the selection of the “agricultural” raw material to the hulling and milling of the grains, up to the final packaging.
Is also the year in which B.M.S. obtains the license for the import of organic products from non-EU countries.
Thanks to the incessant work of researching and developing, B.M.S. represents today a leading company in the processing, packaging, and commercialisation of organic products. The attention paid to the entire supply chain, starting with respecting and caring about the relationships with farmers, up to the meticulous dedication to its customers, is something rare and incomparable.

To respect the planet and create a healthy lifestyle in harmony with nature starting with a correct diet based on ethically cultivated organic food.
Our mission has always been and always will be the pursuit of the highest quality.
We put all our passion and dedication to offer to our customers the best product from organic farming.
Our goal is to bring authentic foods that protect both people’s health and the environment to the table of our customers.